TIGERLAND INDIA FILM FESTIVAL or TIFF is a celebration of nature and wildlife. The festival aims at spreading awareness towards wildlife and nature conservation amongst people in general, and youth in particular, through various visual media like short films, documentaries, photographs, paintings, exhibitions, etc.
The film screenings , both by professional and amateur filmmakers, serve to present the cause of conservation in an attractive format to the viewers. A seminar or symposium ingrained in the annual schedule widens the scope of the festival to academic sphere and serves to promote a healthy discussion by suggesting prospective solutions to the pressing environmental matters related to the Indian wildlife. The competitive section of the festival serves to promote positive and constructive public-participation towards the cause of conservation. The component of WildWalk Programme not just brings interested youngsters closer to nature, but also inculcates the values of a sensitised jungle-visitor in them.
Awareness towards wildlife conservation through media is the primary aim. Anyone can participate and compete by sending films, photographs, paintings, posters, poetry and much more under several competitive categories of the festival. The submission process is totally online, and entries are invited at least 8 to 10 months before the last date of submission. One can also learn wildlife photography and filming through various orientation programmes and workshops conducted by TIFF, and can hone his / her skills by joining in several jungle excursions planned throughout the year under the WildWalk Programme.
Wildlife lovers and experts come under the same roof every year for discussions, film screenings, seminars, exhibitions and a host of other activities in our grand concluding event called TIFFest.

TIFF is organised by Society for Tigerland Conservation, which is a non-profit organisation registered under the government.